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India and it's unintentional skip and move policy

I would start this with simple story --

Once there was a boy in Class 10 he failed 4 times .He had lost out on 3 extra years compared to his peers . So he decided to study very hard , this time he cleared not only Class 10 but skipped Class 11 by giving its examination too and passing it ,so he went directly to Class 12 .He again studied hard cleared Class 12 and went on to pursue a dual degree in a college (ie he completed 2 courses in 5 years which most of his friends completed in 6 years ). Now he had gained 2 years and as most of his peers were droppers he was at par with them .

Some similar sort of story has happened with India when it comes to technology
Think of this : India does not have a single bullet train in service right now and most of the developed countries had it about 2 decades before India .
Now think of Hyperloop - The newest transport system not setup anywhere right now and India is one of the first countries to get an offer from Hyperloop One to setup its project in India.
This will by far lead to skipping of High Speed Rail generation in India and Direct Jump to Hyperloop Technology .

Is this happening for the first time in India ? No. We have had a history of skipping generations unintentionally though. This is what i mean by India and it's unintentional skip and move policy.

Lets look at another example 
During the 1970s we had our Green Revolution ,  agriculture sector had got a new life , Economic Growth touched new levels HYV seeds, Irrigation advancements etc. 
After this spectators from around the world expected a blooming Manufacturing Sector but it didnt just happen .
Somehow we had the Services and IT sector which grew rapidly TCS ,Infoysis,Wipro and many more
India again skipped a generation , it skipped a whole Industrial Revolution !!!
Although our government is now trying to cover this up through Make in India 

Now lets have a look at computers , they came to India in and 1990s , though they were used in offices but most of the Indian homes opted not to have a computer and Then came the smartphone , it is really hard to find a single person without a smartphone .India had again skipped the computer revolution and entered directly into the smartphone market and has been among the top countries when we compare smartphone sales around the world.
Today there are around 220 million smartphone users in the country computers could never go near this number.

This is enough to show that India has been skipping quite a few steps in between development and technological advancements though it has reached at par with other countries by doing so . This is a situation similar to leaving topics one day before the exam , It is only on the exam day that you come to know that you left turned out be good for you or not ,India is yet to be called a Developed Nation .Lets see if this skipping game works out for us or not . 

P.S. This is my first blog do give your reviews to this and how can I improve my blogs in the future.


  1. Hey this was great buddy. I hope you churn out some more valuable stuff. :)
    Inder this side


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