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Showing posts from April, 2017

India and it's unintentional skip and move policy

I would start this with simple story -- Once there was a boy in Class 10 he failed 4 times .He had lost out on 3 extra years compared to his peers . So he decided to study very hard , this time he cleared not only Class 10 but skipped Class 11 by giving its examination too and passing it ,so he went directly to Class 12 .He again studied hard cleared Class 12 and went on to pursue a dual degree in a college (ie he completed 2 courses in 5 years which most of his friends completed in 6 years ). Now he had gained 2 years and as most of his peers were droppers he was at par with them . Some similar sort of story has happened with India when it comes to technology Think of this : India does not have a single bullet train in service right now and most of the developed countries had it about 2 decades before India . Now think of Hyperloop - The newest transport system not setup anywhere right now and India is one of the first countries to get an offer from Hyperloop One to setup i